9 Common Blogging Mistakes to Avoid Now

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“Blogs have hailed kingship on the Internet as many people subscribe to their favorite bloggers.”

Blogs have hailed kingship on the Internet as many people subscribe to their favorite bloggers. Chances are, those blogs are relatable, emotional, insightful, and/or funny. Maintaining a theme helps readers understand the blog as they browse through the pages. Engagement sounds a bit difficult to attain when a blogger has no clue where to start. This is why there are do’s and don’ts to blogging that novice bloggers need to follow for a successful launch. The following are some common blogging mistakes we believe every blogger should know about. Read: How To Make Money Blogging.

1. Omitting Blog Images

Entries without blog images make it difficult for readers to relate to posts. Enticing images break that barrier by helping readers understand the entry in front of them. In every blog, the content, images, headers, and everything else in between work together to create a solid post. Still, some bloggers fail to realize that images are crucial to posts which makes it difficult for them to engage with their potential subscribers.

2. No Social Media Presence

An active account shows a presence that attracts people to browse a collection of posts. The absence of updates automatically presents an inactive account which tells users that your site is no longer operating. As a rule of thumb, post on social media outlets and make sure to be consistent.

3. Unclear Titles

Many bloggers fail to take the time to create a clear title after writing an incredible post. This common blogging mistake is detrimental to every blog as potential subscribers opt-out instead of lingering for more. In every title, it should hint at what the entry is about.

4. Missing the Point

The blogosphere has been involved in such a way that entries are no longer ‘diary-like.’ People search online for something relatable instead of basking on what’s missing in their lives. If an entry is about a trip to Los Angeles, the question every blogger should ask is: Why would anyone want to read the entry? Keep every post interesting!

5. Posting Too Much

Blogs with an abundance of content show stability, but those that overshare may overwhelm readers. Maintaining a blog calendar that details every scheduled post will help organize entries and keep subscribers at ease. There’s nothing like keeping readers wanting more entries than posting in a timely manner.

6. Inconsistent Blogger

Maintaining a dynamic blog is perfect to catch the majority of attention. Still, bloggers confuse their niche when they want to write for everyone else. For example, if a food blogger covers a topic on fashion, it confuses many of their readers! Keep a consistent flow of the blog so that readers can quickly identify the blog’s purpose.

7. Infrequent Publication

There’s nothing more disappointing than to see an inactive blogger. Publication frequency is imperative to every blog. Successful bloggers don’t just run on inspiration. Instead, they make blog schedules along with a publishing routine. One can’t simply say, “I feel uninspired today so I’ll skip today’s post.” Such an attitude can only hurt a blog’s reputation.

8. Focusing on the Number

Many bloggers lose their touch when they concentrate on the number of posts they feel responsible for producing. Along with such an uninspiring task comes a detrimental consequence to their blog. What’s an entry when readers can’t relate to it? There’s a belief that blogs need to produce entries every week to keep up with the reader’s demand and from an SEO standpoint. Don’t fall for such avoidable common blogging mistakes. Instead, focus on quality entries that inspire other readers.

9. Grammatical Errors

Posts with a high amount of typos and grammatical errors can shoo away potential readers. It shows carelessness alongside negligence. In every blogger’s objective, the goal is to gain readers. What is it that turns off readers? Poorly written material. Cringing blogging mistakes filled with spelling and grammatical errors makes it difficult for readers to understand a blog’s objective. To avoid this error, proofread!

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