What’s Driving the Future of Marketing?

Whats driving the future of marketing

“Brands are transferring the power of their marketing to customers…”

Have you ever wondered what exactly drives the Future of Marketing? If so, you’re not alone. Marketers are constantly trying to predict the future of marketing in an attempt to stay one step ahead of their competition. Everyone wants to know the next big thing before it happens – and to gain a greater understanding of this; one needs to understand the trends that are set to have an impact on the future of marketing.

At K2 Analytics, we have devised a list of 5 trends that we can see having a huge impact in the coming years.


You should already be aware of the importance of ‘going mobile’ for your business – if not, now would be a good time to catch up on all that here.  The way in which mobile has surpassed desktops is one of the prime factors driving the marketing world – from cell phones and tablets to various wearable devices. Brands are now able to communicate to their target market in a more personalized and superficial way than ever before.

Content, Remains King

Content remains a huge part of the online marketing world, and this trend is not set to fade away anytime soon. Quality Content provides value to the reader and enables businesses to be the go-to source of knowledge for customers on particular topics. This trend is set to be a dominating factor in the marketing world, and it’s only going to get bigger. The use of colorful visuals is said to heighten a reader’s interest in a particular topic, as research conducted found that people are 80% more willing to read a piece of content that has colorful visuals. If this doesn’t have you thinking about the strength of your content marketing strategy, it should!

Brand Communities

Brand Communities exist, they are all around us,  and this trend is set to flourish in the years ahead. Brands are attempting to ‘own’ their audience to an extent, by creating brand advocates. By introducing a community to your brand, business owners will be able to dictate and arrange future campaigns, based on the feelings and beliefs of their customers. An example of this is the ‘Starbucks Idea’ which has led to hundreds of implemented innovations.


Social Media has tremendous potential in the digital marketing world. Its impact on brands is ever-increasing, and as competition is getting more intense and businesses are upping their social media game – brands are increasingly leveraging their power on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, among the other leading players in the social media game.

User-Generated Content

More than ever before, brands are transferring the power of their marketing to customers, whether willingly or not – through social media channels and customer review platforms. To manipulate this trend, brands need to create a positive impact on their customer’s minds and encourage them to tell their story and share experiences with the Brand.

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